8 Facts and stats of bingualism

Here, we take a look at some facts and stats of bilingualism.

     1.    It is estimated that two-thirds of children worldwide 
        are brought up bilingual or multilingual.

     2.   In Canada, 11.9% speak a language other than English at home.

     3.  In the U.S., around 21% of children aged five to 17 speak a      
        language other than English at home.

    4.   Between 1980 and 2007 there has been a 140% increase in 
       the number of American speaking a language other than 
       English at home.

    5.   In Sweden and Luxembourg, bilingualism figures stand at 
       97% and 99% respectively.

    6.   In Belgium, French is compulsory in pre-primary schools in
       the German community.

    7.   In France, foreign or regional language learning is promoted 
       at a kindergarten level.

    8.   Italy das introduced the teaching of a foreign language in 
       the first year of primary level.


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